Syed Muzammil Ashfaque
2 min readFeb 27, 2022


Hello, friends, many of you ask me what is the roadmap I followed.

Let me tell you my roadmap ( Till now ):

Roadmap I followed: 🎯
- Git and Github
- Bootstrap
- Sass/Scss
- Responsive Layouts
- Website Deployment (Surge, Firebase, Netlify)
- Javascript (ES6 Syntax + Advanced Javascript)
- Dynamic Websites
- Animations
- Accessibility
- Performance
- Testing
- Web Design Basics
- Design Tools (Figma)
- React Js (Redux, Router, Hooks)
- Material UI
- API Consumption using React Js
- ** (Frontend Completed)

- Firebase (Database with ReactJs)
- Creating Full Stack App with Firebase and ReactJs
- ** (Full Stack Basic Completed)

- Learn CI/CD (Dev Ops)
- Hosting Websites on Cpanel (Shared Hosting)
- Project Management Tools (Jira, Trello)
- Typescript
- Next Js (Templating, Page Routing, API consumption)
- Chakra UI
- Next Js with Firebase Database
- Vercel (Next Js Deployment)
- Authentication (Firebase)
- Form Validation and Handling
- Node Js
- Express Js
- Creating REST APIs with Node and Express Js
- MongoDB (Database)
- NodeJs with MongoDB
- Heroku (Backend Deployment)
- ** BACKEND Completed

- Connecting NodeJs, Express, MongoDB Backend with ReactJs Frontend
- ** MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs, NodeJs)

- PWA with React/Next Js
- tailwindcss / Materialize CSS / Bulma CSS
- Google Maps API
- Mirage Js (Mocking Server)
- GraphQl with React/NextJs
- Gatsby Js (SSG, Templating, Fast loading websites)
- Contentful (CMS)
- FaunaDB
- Gatsby + Contentful + GraphQl
- ** (Basic JAMStack Complete)

- Strapi (CMS)
- Serverless Lambda Functions Netlify
- Serverless Func + Gatsby + GraphQl + FaunaDB
- ** (JAMStack Complete)

- Stripe Payments

I have learned this in 1 year !!
- Gave a minimum of 8 hours daily (I'm not joking believe me)
- Learned Every Concept in depth
- Learned by doing (Building projects)
- Trusted Allah
- Reduced use of Social Media, Games
- worked on communication and technical skills

Tips for you:
- Have patience
- Stay Focused (First, decide what you want to do by trying a little bit of everything)
- Make Short term goals
- Read Books
- Pray to Allah
- Maintain a Learning attitude
- Help others that will help you a lot
- Follow a Roadmap
- Don't be afraid to try new things
- Never lose hope

Learning Resources/Channels I followed:

## Youtube Channels (You can search with the names I provided)
- Panacloud Bootcamp
- Net Ninja
- Traversy media
- Dev Ed
- Academind
- Javascript Mastery
- Learn with mosh
- Code with harry
- Design Course
- Ali Abdaal
- Aman Dhattarwal
- Fireship
- Freecodecamp
- Tailwind labs
- James Q Quick
- Web dev simplified
- Sonny Sangha
- Telusko

Good Luck! ❀
Here's a little photo attached of my workspace πŸ˜„

#100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCodeChallenge #100daysofcoding

